This pledge is for organizations that would like to help create truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environments. This pledge was created to help you look for more ways or suggestions on how to create a more inclusive workplace. Fill out this form to identify what steps you are willing and able to take over the next year to foster a diverse workforce for your organization.

Disclaimer: This pledge was partially derived from the official DEI P.A.C.E Pledge founded by Antonietta Mosley @ifollowtheleader

P.A.C.E. stands for Prepare, Assess, Challenge, and Execute

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is the name of your company?

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* 3. What position do you personally hold in this company?

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* 4. Prepare for the journey - I commit to learning more about diversity, equity, and inclusion over the next six months.

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* 5. Assessment - I commit to thoroughly assessing where my company is currently at on our diversity, equity, and inclusion journey.

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* 6. Challenge norms and traditions - I commit to evaluating areas in which we can grow and improve upon over the next year - specifically related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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* 7. Challenge norms and traditions - I commit to approaching diversity, equity, and inclusion from a systemic lens. I recognize the journey will require strategic and measurable actions.

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* 8. Execute the commitment - I commit to completing at least three strategic actions that will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion over the next six months in my workplace and/or community.

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* 9. If you said NO to any of the above P.A.C.E commitments please use the space below to elaborate on why.

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* 10. What is an email that we can use to contact you?