Introduction and consent

BuiltHub seeks to identify essential features of a European-wide data exchange platform for the building sector on its way to climate neutrality that would best serve your organization as a potential user. As we advance towards the release of the BuiltHub platform, simultaneous developments such as the BSO update project and the ongoing recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) have caught our attention. These developments could reshape or streamline the way data is collected, possibly introducing requirements for indicator collection by Member States. BuiltHub explores ways to empower its community to contribute and publish data, thereby enriching the overall database and enabling the creation of benchmarks for performance comparison.

You can choose to answer questions on the topics:
·        The EPBD recast, including questions on pivotal instruments Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), Zero Emission Buildings (ZEBs) and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).
·        The role of the BuiltHub for providing more details in data and analysis considering the changing role of the BSO towards a Member State reporting platform.
·        Applied machine learning and how it helps to enhance building stock data.

Our overarching goal is to gain insights into how recent developments influence the role and responsibilities of BuiltHub, especially when it comes to delivering a timely building data platform. Through this survey, we aspire to understand the unique value BuiltHub can offer to organizations like yours, especially in this age of rapid data reporting and collection advancements. Your perspective on building data and analytics platforms is invaluable to us.

Answering this survey should take 10-15 minutes, depending on your topic choices. Thank you very much in advance for completing this questionnaire.
BPIE is the lead partner of this survey conducted for BuiltHub, a project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957026. 

By filling out this form you agree that we will process your data in line with our privacy policy.

If you have questions regarding the privacy policy, please email our Data Protection Officer: For content-related questions please contact

Question Title

* 1. By clicking Yes, you agree to the above terms.

10% of survey complete.