PURPOSE - To recognize a dental hygienist for their outstanding devotion as a mentor to fellow dental hygienists during their career as a dental hygienist.
CRITERIA - The nominee consistently:
A. Lends support to student hygienists
B. Mentors hygienists to become members in ADHA/FDHA
C. Encourages member hygienists to become active in component activities by serving on committees, as officers or as delegates
D. Educates hygienists of legislative issues that impact the profession
E. Supports hygienists to become active in FDHA on the state level
F. Maintains an open-door policy on helping fellow hygienists
A. Lends support to student hygienists
B. Mentors hygienists to become members in ADHA/FDHA
C. Encourages member hygienists to become active in component activities by serving on committees, as officers or as delegates
D. Educates hygienists of legislative issues that impact the profession
E. Supports hygienists to become active in FDHA on the state level
F. Maintains an open-door policy on helping fellow hygienists