Exit Inspiring Yarns: Mental Health and Yarn Question Title * 1. How would you describe your mental health generally? Very Good Good Fluctuating Poor Very poor Question Title * 2. Have you sought medical help to address any mental health concerns in the past 3 years? Yes No Question Title * 3. Has Covid-19 made concerns you had around your mental health worse? Yes No Question Title * 4. Do you currently take part in any hobbies that involve yarn? Yes No Question Title * 5. If you answered yes to the previous question which yarn based hobbies do you take part in? Question Title * 6. How accurate is the statement that yarn based hobbies improve your mental health? Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. Would you agree that there is a social element to your yarn hobbies, if so please give some detail on the types of yarn based activities you enjoy with others? Question Title * 8. Are there any suggestions you have for Inspiring Yarns in terms of services it could develop to support people to improve mental health? Question Title * 9. Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey. We are not collecting any personal data for the purposes of this survey. Any statistics or suggestions provided in the survey will be used to help us shape services and statistics may be provided to potential funders we apply to. Next