1.What is the name of your organisation/company?(Required.)
2.What is your role/business focus in the property sector?(Required.)
3.In which of the following municipalities have you conducted business? (Required.)
4.What is your grade of the current water infrastructure in the following municipalities? (Rate each municipality according to the categories provided)(Required.)
World-class in nature
There is excess capacity which can be utilised for future use
Satisfactory for present use
At risk of failure in near future
Unfit for purpose currently
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Mbombela Local Municipality
Polokwane Local Municipality
The Msunduzi Local Municipality
Emfuleni Local Municipality
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rustenburg Local Municipality
Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
5.What is your grade of the current stormwater infrastructure in the following municipalities? (Rate each municipality according to the categories provided)(Required.)
World-class in nature
There is excess capacity which can be utilised for future use
Satisfactory for present use
At risk of failure in near future
Unfit for purpose currently
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Mbombela Local Municipality
Polokwane Local Municipality
The Msunduzi Local Municipality
Emfuleni Local Municipality
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rustenburg Local Municipality
Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
6.What is your grade of the current road infrastructure in the following municipalities? (Rate each municipality according to the categories provided)(Required.)
World-class in nature
There is excess capacity which can be utilised for future use
Satisfactory for present use
At risk of failure in near future
Unfit for purpose currently
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Mbombela Local Municipality
Polokwane Local Municipality
The Msunduzi Local Municipality
Emfuleni Local Municipality
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rustenburg Local Municipality
Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
7.What is your grade of the current sanitation infrastructure in the following municipalities? (Rate each municipality according to the categories provided)(Required.)
World-class in nature
There is excess capacity which can be utilised for future use
Satisfactory for present use
At risk of failure in near future
Unfit for purpose currently
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Mbombela Local Municipality
Polokwane Local Municipality
The Msunduzi Local Municipality
Emfuleni Local Municipality
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rustenburg Local Municipality
Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
8.What is your grade of the current electricity infrastructure in the following municipalities? (Rate each municipality according to the categories provided)(Required.)
World-class in nature
There is excess capacity which can be utilised for future use
Satisfactory for present use
At risk of failure in near future
Unfit for purpose currently
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Mbombela Local Municipality
Polokwane Local Municipality
The Msunduzi Local Municipality
Emfuleni Local Municipality
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rustenburg Local Municipality
Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
9.In your opinion, over the past five years, is that condition better, unchanged, or worse? (Select appropriate condition for each municipality)(Required.)
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Mbombela Local Municipality
Polokwane Local Municipality
The Msunduzi Local Municipality
Emfuleni Local Municipality
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rustenburg Local Municipality
Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
10.What are the factors most influential in your assessment? (more than one option can be chosen)(Required.)
11.What are the biggest challenges facing infrastructure in South Africa? (more than one option can be chosen)(Required.)
12.Do you feel bulk service infrastructure in South African municipalities are in good condition or bad condition?

Bulk Infrastructure is defined as “public infrastructure by means of which water, sewerage and electricity are generated, collected, stored, purified, conveyed and disposed of, as the case may be, and which connects to the reticulation system which in turn distributes services to or from end users”.
13.If your answer was ‘bad condition’ in question 15, what has been the cause of the bad condition of bulk infrastructure? (more than one option can be chosen)
14.How has property development trends been affected by bulk infrastructure? (Open answer)(Required.)
15.Which property market has been affected most by bulk infrastructure? (More than one can be chosen – an explanation is needed)(Required.)
16.Do you feel that municipalities are utilising bulk contributions/ development contributions paid by developers adequately towards infrastructure upgrading and maintenance?(Required.)
17.Do you think the municipalities have sufficient budget allocations for the upgrading and maintenance of bulk infrastructure, please explain your answer?(Required.)
18.How often do you need to intervene with regard to infrastructure upgrading and maintenance?(Required.)
19.Can you name a project where you as a private sector company had to intervene with regards to infrastructure upgrading and maintenance? Please provide the project specifications and explain how you needed to intervene. The intervention can be on a project still in the planning phase, or a project that has been completed and has experience infrastructure failure after development and occupation. Please elaborate.(Required.)
20.Is the lack of sufficient or maintained bulk infrastructure a recent phenomenon in the following municipalities?
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality
Mbombela Local Municipality
Polokwane Local Municipality
The Msunduzi Local Municipality
Emfuleni Local Municipality
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rustenburg Local Municipality
Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
21.What has been the effect on lacking bulk infrastructure maintenance and upgrading? (more than one option can be chosen)(Required.)
22.Do you have any recommendations on mitigating the lack of maintenance, upgrading and provision of bulk infrastructure?(Required.)
23.Given the state of SA infrastructure, which Provinces do you for see yourself limiting future projects and investments? (more than one option can be chosen)(Required.)
24.Given the state of SA infrastructure, which Provinces do you for see yourself increasing future projects and investments? (more than one option can be chosen)(Required.)
25.As a property investor, do you believe the following investor criteria are in place firmly in South Africa? Please check yes or no.(Required.)
The vision, strategic objectives, priorities, and programs in our cities for developing an overall budget strategy for delivering the vision are followed through
The rule of law and political stability are recognised and respected
Property rights are clearly identifiable, transferable, recognised, and enforceable
Applicable laws are stable in key respects for the duration of the investment
Property and contract rights are recognised and enforceable
Each party contracting to do something has the legal power to do so
Investors are legally entitled to recover returns that are due on exiting investments
Laws and administrative procedures are transparent
There are clear commitments to internationally recognised standards of enforcing against corruption and other forms of financial crime
The national fiscal regime is strong