Welcome to my questionnaire which is meant to collect data for my research topic.

Date: 24th June 2024

Title of the Research Study: The aim of this study is to investigate the integration of Digital Marketing tools/strategies in the Electrical, Control and Instrumentation industry, using the case of selected SMMEs in Gauteng province.

Principal Investigator/s/researcher/s and affiliation: Mr. Kruben Bennie, MANCOSA
Supervisor: Dr. Jura Dudley, MANCOSA

Dear Participant,

You are being invited to consider participating in a study which involves undertaking primary research. The aim and purpose of this research is to determine the utilisation of Digital Marketing tools by SMMEs in the EC&I segment in Gauteng. The study is expected to enrol 80 participants in total, targeting the leaders of SMMEs in the Electrical Control and Instrumentation sector, in the Gauteng region. It will involve the following procedures: reaching out to SMMEs, gathering confirmation of participation, sharing of questionnaire to be completed, assessment of collected results and finally providing participants with feedback on findings. The duration of your participation, if you choose to participate, and remain in the study is expected to be 3 months from first contact to gaining access to the results.

Conflict of interests:
There are no conflicts of interest for either the researcher or supervisor associated with this research undertaking.

Risks or Discomforts to the Participant:
At this time there exist no risks or discomforts for participants. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with any party outside of MANCOSA.

Through participation in this research undertaking, participants will gain valuable insights into how other SMMEs in the EC&I segment in Gauteng engage in both Traditional and Digital Marketing. Participants will gain an understanding of the tools perceived to be most valuable to marketing in this segment. The outcome of this study will allow SMMEs to become more successful by implementation of key findings of this research undertaking. The benefit to the researcher will be that the researcher will graduate with a Master of Business Administration qualification.

Reason/s Why the Participant May Be Withdrawn from the Study:
Participants are free to withdraw at any time, for whatever reason, from this research undertaking. There will be no adverse consequences for the participant, should they choose to withdraw.

There will be no remuneration, in any form, for participation in this study.

Costs of the Study:
This study will not incur any costs except for the time to be afforded to the researcher for completion of the questionnaire. The questionnaire may be completed and e-mailed to the researcher without the incurring of any travel or related costs pertaining to completion of the questionnaire.

Anonymity and Confidentiality:
Note that all information shared will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will not be shared with any third party. All information shared will remain the property of MANCOSA and will not be made public in any way or form whatsoever.

Research-related Injury:
Neither MANCOSA nor the researchers will be held liable for any research-related injury or adverse reaction to participation in this research topic. Adverse reactions to participation such as anxiety attacks etc, will result in no compensation by any party related to this research undertaking.

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33% of survey complete.