"Managing High and Low Blood Sugars" Survey

1.How did you hear about the webinar? Select all that apply.(Required.)
2.How old are you?(Required.)
3.How are you affected by diabetes?(Required.)
4.How long have you, the family member or friend been affected by diabetes?(Required.)
5.What is your gender?
6.What population group best describes you? Select all that apply.(Required.)
7.In what province/territory do you live in?(Required.)
8.Regarding your knowledge of diabetes, which of the following statements represents you best?
9.Which of the following statements reflects your experience with the webinar? Select all that apply.
10.After participating in the webinar, please select the statement that best represents your level of motivation to make healthy lifestyle changes?(Required.)
11.How likely is it that you will participate in another webinar hosted by Diabetes Canada?(Required.)
12.How likely are you to recommend Diabetes Canada's webinars to others?
13.What are the top 3 things you liked best about the webinar?
14.What 2 things would you like to see improved?
15.What other topics would you like to see covered in a webinar? What other types of supports would you be interested in Diabetes Canada providing?
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered