Tell Us How We Are Doing

As the St. Clair County Transit District (SCCTD), we are very interested in hearing from our riders on your thoughts on the MetroLink, MetroBus, ATS and MetroBikeLink system in Southwestern Illinois. Over the next year, we will be asking you to weigh in to help us ensure we are providing the best service possible for all our users. Please take a moment to fill out the postcard, or visit us at to provide your thoughts online. Whether you ride, walk or bike, thank you for utilizing SCCTD.

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* 1. How many days a week are you using transit?

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* 2. What type of transit are you using?

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* 3. What is your destination?

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* 4. Is SCCTD/Metro on the right track to improve overall security during your transit trip?

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* 5. What is the most significant benefit you have experienced using transit?

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* 6. What is the biggest hurdle for you using transit in Southwestern Illinois?

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* 7. How often do you use the MetroBikeLink System?

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* 8. What did we Miss? What do you think we should know about your trips on transit?