Tomball By Design – Financial Planning: Survey

This survey is designed to get the feedback from LSC-Tomball employees regarding the Tomball By Design Financial plan.

As a reminder, the purpose of this information is to assist with bringing LSC-Tomball into alignment with the LSC-System on a per-student cost allocation, take a more intentional approach to budget development and management, and adjust budget expenditures based on changes to organizational structure.

Please submit your response no later than Friday, October 22, 2021. Your input is valuable to this process. Thank you. – Administrative Services Division
1.What department do you work in?
2.What’s currently underfunded?
3.What’s currently overfunded and should be reallocated elsewhere?
4.What is or has been the impact of vacancies?
5.Which vacant positions are essential to fill?
6.Which vacant positions in your area can be eliminated? 
7.How can LSC-Tomball meet the required budget adjustment over the next two years? 
8.How many retirements are expected over the next two years in your area? 
9.What new instructional programs will generate enrollment growth? 
10.What essential instructional and student services programs, initiatives and priorities will need to be funded over the next two years? 
11.Does your area need funding for any new positions or new initiatives in your area? Please justify the need for the new positions and explain how the positions align with the LSC-Tomball strategic goals. Do you have data to support the request? 
12.Are there any grant funded positions that would need to be moved over into operating Fund 10 over the next two years? If yes, please specify?
13.What items should be exempt from cuts in your area? Explain why. 
14.What improvements can be made to the annual budget development process? 
15.Do you believe resources are allocated effectively and fairly? 
16.How can we improve the resource allocation process? 
17.Would annual or comprehensive department and program reviews help inform the budget development process? 
18.How often do you need budget management training?
19.What training and resources would help you in managing your budget more effectively? 
20.What challenges do you encounter as a budget manager? 
21.Describe any equipment/supply deficits hindering the functioning of the department. 
22.Does your equipment in your area need updating? 
23.What new buildings are expected over the next two years? 
24.Please leave any additional comments or suggestions below: 
Current Progress,
0 of 24 answered