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* 1. In 2015, we will have an opportunity to make breakthroughs and improve our contract which expires in the spring. So, let's prepare for negotiations now!

Below is a survey our bargaining team will use as a guide in developing proposals for negotiations. Every RN needs to fill out the survey to ensure our voices are heard. No information on this survey will be shared with Beverly management.

Please rate the following issues from extremely important to not very important. If you mark extremely important for every issue, we will not know which issues are relatively important to you. Please reserve extremely important for those issues which are truly extremely important. This will give those responses more weight. Please complete this survey online by January 15, 2015.

For each issue, please choose the response that best represents your answer.

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important
1. Increase in Wages/Wage Grid
2. Protect and Improve Health Insurance Benefits
3. Provide Preceptor Pay/Criteria
4. Increase in Shift Differentials
5. Longevity Bonus
6. Improve Holiday (Pay for Entire Shift; Number of Holidays One is Required to Work)
7. Increase in Recognized Certifications
8. Use of SLR Without Using PTO
9. Incentives for non-use of SLR once Capped Out
10. Fair and Equitable Overtime Distribution
11. Improve Education Benefits and Opportunities
12. Pay in Lieu of Benefits
13. Ensure our contract is protected and stays in place in the event Beverly is sold to another health care corporation
14. Safe Staffing

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* 2. Which of these issues is the single most important to you?

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* 3. Is there something in the contract that you would like to see improved, but do not see it on this list? If so, please write it below.

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* 4. Please Enter Contact Information