Louisiana House Concurrent Resolution No. 70 of the 2023 Regular Session requests that retirement systems report on investment advisors that discriminate against the fossil fuel industry through environmental, social, and governance policies. To comply with this Resolution, LSERS kindly requests completion of the below survey by September 20, 2023.  Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Matt Freedman mfreedman@lsers.net or Max Besse at mbesse@lsers.net.

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* 1. Respondent Information:

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* 2. ESG: Does your firm use nonpecuniary factors for investment purposes on behalf of LSERS?  Nonpecuniary factors include environmental, social, or governance factors which do not have a material connection to the risk-adjusted return of an investment.

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* 3. Energy Sector:  Does your firm boycott energy companies? Boycotting is defined as terminating business activities or refusing to deal with an industry in a discriminatory manner.