Quarterly DCW survey

Gaunley Home Care Employee Survey

1.How many times was the consumer taken for emergency hospitalization in past 90 days?(Required.)
2.How many times did the consumer trip/fall in the past 90 days(Required.)
3.How important is safety to you?(Required.)
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
5.My work has a positive impact on resident's lives.(Required.)
6.I think the care I provided is appreciated by the residents and their families(Required.)
7.I have the resources and equipment necessary to perform my assignments well

8.I would recommend this nursing home to my family and friends if they had a need for homecare.
9.I would recommend working here for my friends.
10.At this homecare, staff receive appropriate recognition.
11.I feel that my compensation is fair, relative to similar roles at my company.
12.How would you rate the working relationship you had with your co-workers?
13.Employees in my organization take the initiative to help other employees when the need arises.
14.I am aware of Gaunley Homecare's goals and vision.
15.I usually have a consistent assignment.
16.I have input into the development of my schedule.
17.I usually have a reasonable workload.
18.My supervisor allows adjustments to schedules when needs arise.
19.During orientation, I received the training I need to do my job in this nursing home.
20.My supervisor and I talk about my training needs.
21.I receive the training necessary to address resident and family concerns.
22.I am given opportunities for professional growth
23.The administrator is available and is open to speaking with me.
24.I can talk openly and honestly with my supervisor about work related issues
25.My supervisor values my opinions.
26.My supervisor respects me and treats me fairly.
27.How long have you worked at Gaunley Homecare?
28.Are you a supervisor?
29.Are you a contractor?

Current Progress,
0 of 29 answered