Feedback From Our Donors, Colleagues and Future Supporters

Thank you for providing us feedback so we know where to better direct our 2023 budget and where to focus our attention.

Question Title

* 1. Please arrange these elements in order from most important (#1) to least important (#7) for a peace partner of Pilgrims of Ibillin.

Question Title

* 2. I personally want Pilgrims of Ibillin to support the following peace partners

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Mar Elias Schools
Diyar Consortium (Bethlehem Girls' Soccer Team)
Seraj Library Project (Community Libraries Near Ramallah & Bethlehem's Aida Camp)
St. George's Melkite Catholic Church in Zababdeh (Job Creation & Schooling Scholarships) 
The Wi'am Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center (in Bethlehem)
The Middle East Children's Alliance or MECA (Water Purification for UN Schools in Gaza)
The Hope Secondary School in Beit Jala (Scholarships for Residential Schools)
The Open House Preschool in Ramle (Israel)

Question Title

* 3. If you were to do a 2023 Living Stones Pilgrimage, how long do you think would be the ideal trip (including flights)?

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* 4. If you were to participate in a 2023 trip, please arrange these by which of these would you most want to be included in the trip (top of list) down to the least desired (bottom of list).

Question Title

* 5. What's your name? (optional)

Question Title

* 6. What's your email address? (optional)