Monmouth Arts Member Survey - Impact of COVID-19

1.First & Last Name(Required.)
2.Contact Email(Required.)
3.What type of membership do you hold with Monmouth Arts?(Required.)
4.Choose the option that best describes you: I am(Required.)
5.Since the outbreak of COVID-19, have you had tickets or plans to attend an event that has since been canceled or postponed?(Required.)
6.Have any arts organizations you patronize provided Virtual or Alternative Services and Programming in response to the outbreak of COVID-19?(Required.)
7.Are you currently utilizing any Virtual Services, and if so, which ones? Please feel free to provide links to these services!(Required.)
8.While Virtual and Online Services are great, we know that they cannot fully replace certain in-person activities. What, if any, activities do you feel are lacking from Virtual Services being offered by arts organizations?
9.Can you think of any ways that Monmouth Arts can be a resource to you at this time?
10.Any other comments? Tell us about how the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting you.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered