Development Survey Question Title * 1. What is your age? 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Female Male Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What is your race or ethnicity? Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Middle Eastern or North African Multiracial or Multiethnic Native American or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Another race or ethnicity, please describe below Self-describe below: Question Title * 4. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Did not attend school 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade Graduated from high school 1 year of college 2 years of college 3 years of college Graduated from college Some graduate school Completed graduate school Question Title * 5. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? Employed, working full-time Employed, working part-time Not employed, looking for work Not employed, NOT looking for work Retired Disabled, not able to work Question Title * 6. Which of the following best describes your current relationship status? Married Widowed Divorced Separated In a domestic partnership or civil union Single, but cohabiting with a significant other Single, never married Question Title * 7. What is your approximate average household income? $0-$24,999 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$124,999 $125,000-$149,999 $150,000-$174,999 $175,000-$199,999 $200,000 and up Question Title * 8. How many people currently live in your household? Question Title * 9. How often do you prepare meals at home each week? Never 1-2x a week 3-5x a week Every day Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. How often do you experiment with a new recipe or ingredient each week? Never 1-2x a week 3-5x a week Every day Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. How passionate are you about cooking on a scale of 1-10? 10 Extremely passionate 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Not passionate at all . . 10 Extremely passionate . 9 . 8 . 7 . 6 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1 . 0 Not passionate at all Question Title * 12. What is your main motivation for cooking? Rank in order of importance. Question Title * 13. What are your biggest hurdles when it comes to cooking? Select all that apply. Time - not enough time with my schedule Knowledge - not enough basic knowledge to get started Cost - ingredients are too expensive Support - not enough resources to support me once I get started Interest Level - not interested in learning how to cook Question Title * 14. What resources do you currently use when you have a cooking question? List all that apply. (e.g. call/text someone, websites, social media channels, cookbooks, cooking apps, blogs, Alexa/Google Home etc.) Question Title * 15. For each resource listed above, how often do you use it? Question Title * 16. For each resource listed above, how much do you pay for it? Question Title * 17. For each resource listed above, how satisfied are you with the results you receive on a scale of 1-10? Question Title * 18. For each resource that did not receive a 10, how could it be improved upon? Question Title * 19. What features would make you excited to use a new food website or app? Choose all that apply. The ability to communicate directly with a chef The ability to find and discover local culinary talent The ability to view content (like recipes and instructional videos) created by local chefs Special deals to local restaurants for being a subscriber An online community where I could engage with other home cooks Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. Suppose there was a mobile app where you could text a chef on demand to answer your cooking questions as often as you’d like. How much would you be willing to pay for just this service? Choose one. $0 $2.99/month $4.99/month $9.99/month Other (please specify) Question Title * 21. Suppose there was an online platform where you could discover and engage with local chefs in your community. The platform would feature videos and articles created by the chefs. How much would you be willing to pay for just this service? $0 $2.99/month $4.99/month $9.99/month Other (please specify) Question Title * 22. Suppose there was a platform that combined the ability to text with a chef and access the platform of chef-created content. How much would you be willing to pay for these services together? $0 $2.99/month $4.99/month $9.99/month Other (please specify) Question Title * 23. Please write about your comments/ reactions to the survey. Question Title * 24. If you are interested in being added to our mailing list, please include your email below. We are not here to sell anything just collect feedback. Done