Survey for HIP's Homebuyer Seminar 2020

Please complete and submit the following questionnaire if you attended a Homebuyer Class or Pre-purchase one-on-one counseling at HIP.

**HIP will provide a $20 dollars check to all clients who purchased a house and who submit a completed survey**.

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* 1. Please provide your name and contact information:

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* 2. Did you attend an 8-hour Homebuyer Class at Housing Initiative Partnership (HIP)? Or take the eHome Online Homebuyer Class?

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* 3. Did you have a one-on-one pre-purchase counseling with HIP?

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* 4. Have you purchased a home after attending HIP's housing counseling or class?

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* 5. If you purchased a home, please complete the following information: (If you did not purchase a house, please go to the next question)

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* 6. If you have not yet purchased, how close are you to purchase a house?

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* 7. If you decided not to purchase a house, please explain why:

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* 8. Thank you for your participation. We welcome any questions, comments, or concerns in the space below: