Beaver Marsh StoryWalk®

Thank you for visiting our StoryWalk®! This location is a pilot for a larger, expanded StoryWalk® program throughout Durham County. Please answer the following questions so we can make adjustments and improvements.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how was your experience with this StoryWalk®?

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* 2. Have you been on a StoryWalk® before?

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* 3. Is this your first visit to this location?

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* 4. Did you come specifically to visit the StoryWalk®?

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* 5. Do you (or someone in your family) have a Durham County Library card?

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* 6. How many people came on the walk today?

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* 7. What's your zip code?

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* 8. What was the best part of the StoryWalk®?

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* 9. Was there anything you didn't like?

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* 10. Do you have any thoughts/comments/suggestions about this StoryWalk®? Where would you like to see a StoryWalk®, and what book would you suggest?