1. MAIZE Technology Survey

As we continue efforts to research and ensure we are recommending the best possible technology solutions and leverage our collective buying power when possible, we would appreciate your feedback on a few questions to help us in our research.

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* 1. What POS system are you currently using?

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* 2. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars (with 5 being the highest), how satisfied are you with your current POS provider?

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* 3. What is your credit card processing fee with your current POS provider?

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* 4. In addition to the above % cost, are there any additional fees (per transaction fee, etc.)

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* 5. What online ticketing provider are you currently using?

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* 6. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars (with 5 being the highest), how satisfied are you with your current ticketing provider?

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* 7. What is your credit card processing fee with your current merchant account for ONLINE TICKETING?

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* 8. In addition to the above % cost, are there any additional fees (per transaction fee, etc.)

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* 9. What percentage of your revenues are collected via online ticketing?

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* 10. Are you currently offering an online store to sell curbside or pick up orders?

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* 11. When choosing your POS and/or Online Ticketing platforms, which of the following matters most to you, in order of importance.

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* 12. Is there any other feedback you'd like to share or any technology tools you are interested in learning more about?

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* 13. If you are comfortable doing so, please answer the following questions. Doing this will allow us to respond to specific responses and suggestions that you might have provided in the previous survey questions. If you would prefer to keep your responses anonymous, you are welcome to skip these final questions.