Social Capital Survey

Social capital covers the key concepts that are the basis for optimal collaboration. So it is not a new playbook or yet another new management concept. Social capital is a special perspective on management – ​​a way of understanding, measuring and talking about what an organization can achieve through good relationships and good cooperation.

If you want to focus on your social capital, you can start with "The world's shortest questionnaire". It's just 4 questions for the employees about how they experience trust and fairness. This is a good "temperature measurement", which gives a good picture of where in the organization there is a particular need to invest.
1.Do you feel that the management trusts the employees to do a good job?
2.Do you trust the announcements that come from the management?
3.Are the tasks distributed in a fair way?
4.Are conflicts resolved in a fair manner?
In its simplest form, workplace social capital can be calculated as an average of the your responses to these four questions. Your total score above will be between 0 - 16 points.

The average for workplaces in for example Denmark is 10.2 points. Below 8 points is described as "very low social capital". Over 12 points as "very high social capital".
Current Progress,
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