SME Forum (Small, Medium, and Entrepreneur's Business Forum)

Join the group

This group is an ongoing forum for BDF's SME members to come together to discuss Government support for SME businesses, inform policy development related to SMEs and disabled people, and to share everyday success and challenges with other SMEs who are actively working to improve disability inclusion for their employees and customers.

More information about this forum can be found here: SME Business Forum

By completing the below form, you will be added to the mailing list for this forum only, and you will be invited to the meetings and receive updates by email. We will not use the details you give us here for any other purpose.

Thank you for your interest, and if you have any questions, please contact

1.Your name(Required.)
2.The member organisation you work in.(Required.)
3.Your job title
4.Your contact email address(Required.)
5.Please tell us the topics you would most like to see covered in the forum, and what you hope to get out of coming to the meetings.