Welcome to the Cultural Space Survey, and thank you for participating. The more we know about your needs, the better we can create opportunities to serve you. We’ve asked you a lot about your cultural space needs, and we’ve spent five years designing policies, programs, and projects to address what we’ve heard. Your guidance to date has lead us to look at how a new independent organization, created by the City but living independently, could serve you and your cultural space needs. Help us define this new organization and target the opportunities it represents. Please take this simple 6-minute survey and let us know more about how you interact with cultural space.

If your organization is included on the SpaceLabNW list, we will use the information that you have already provided on your current space. If you have not added your organization to the SpaceLab survey, please do so at http://spacelabnw.org/

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* 1. What activities go on in your space? (check all that apply)

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* 2. What types of space do you need? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. If the space is used for performance or teaching, what is the capacity you need?

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* 4. What is the size of your organization?

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* 5. Cost per sf to rent (if known) or total monthly rental payment

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* 6. If you are a renter, has your rent increased in the past five years?

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* 7. If you own your space, what financial pressures do you experience (all that apply)?

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* 8. Are you concerned about the real estate market’s effect on your organization’s stability?

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* 9. Are you concerned about how the real estate market will affect your constituencies?

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* 10. Do you anticipate that you will need to relocate in the next five years?

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* 11. If you are likely to move, is it because (check all that apply)

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* 12. If you are likely to move, do you anticipate (check all that apply)

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* 13. Have you relocated in the last five years?

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* 14. If you moved, was cost a factor in the decision to relocate?

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* 15. If you moved, what were the impacts on your organization?

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* 16. If you moved, was there a

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* 17. If you moved, was there a (check all that apply)

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* 18. If you moved, was there a

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* 19. What size space do you need?

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* 20. What characteristics would you want for any new space? (Check all that apply)

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* 21. What kind of ownership would be your preference in the future?

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* 22. Do you as an individual, or your organization, represent a community of color?

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* 23. Are there kinds of technical assistance that you would find useful? (all that apply)