ST. LUCIE TPO 2050 LRTP - Reimagine Mobility 2050.

The St. Lucie TPO is conducting the 2050 LRTP, a federally mandated plan to guide the St. Lucie TPO's future transportation investments and policies over a 25-year horizon. As part of this study, The St. Lucie TPO seeks public input on transportation project priorities.

Question Title

* 1. The TPO has the following goals for the 2050 LRTP update. Based on your experience and preferences, please rank the goals in the order of importance (highest to lowest, rank 1 is the highest priority and rank 6 is the lowest priority).

  1. Support Economic Growth by Ensuring Mobility. (By improving travel time of people and freight.)
  2. Improve Safety and Security of all transportation users.
  3. Enhance Mobility Choices by Improving Connectivity/ Accessibility. (Connectivity refers to how well a transportation network is linked, enabling smooth travel. Accessibility focuses on how easily people can reach destinations within a given time and cost.)
  4. Promote Environmental Sustainability and Disaster Resilience. (Making roadways withstand natural hazards, improving evacuation routes.)
  5. Embrace Technology and Innovation. (By improving reliability in day-to-day operations of automobiles and public transit, and by increasing the use of electric vehicles and self-driving cars.)
  6. Maintain the Transportation System. (By improving pavement, bridge, transit and sidewalk conditions.)