At the Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory, your opinion/feedback is important to us! Tell us how we are doing! We look forward to reviewing your comments.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your affiliation:

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following Crime Lab services:

  Not applicable/No opinion Unacceptable Average Excellent
Overall evidence submission process
Overall evidence return process
Professionalism of personnel
Ease of receiving or retrieving a report
Overall quality of testing received

Question Title

* 3. The Crime Lab offers training periodically regarding the identification, documentation, collection and best practices of evidence handling. If your agency is interested in receiving training, please indicate below

  In Writing In Person Virtual (i.e. Zoom) Not interested
Submission of Evidence / Evidence Acceptance Criteria
Crime Scene Investigation / Latent Prints / Impressions
Fire Debris

Question Title

* 4. How would you rate our Crime Lab testing turnaround times?

  Not applicable/No opinion Unacceptable Average Excellent
Crime Scene Investigation/ Vehicle Exams
Firearms / NIBIN
Fire Debris
Latent Print Processing
Latent Print Comparison
Shoe / Tire Impressions
Toxicology / Blood Alcohol

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate our Crime Lab reports for clarity, completeness, and ease of understanding?

  Not applicable/No opinion Unacceptable Average Excellent
Crime Scene Investigation / Vehicle Exams
Firearms / NIBIN
Fire Debris
Latent Print Processing
Latent Print Comparison
Shoe / Tire Impressions
Toxicology / Blood Alcohol

Question Title

* 6. When contacting a Crime Lab representative directly, how would you rate their ability to assist you in your request/service?

  Not applicable/No opinion Unacceptable Average Excellent
Crime Scene Investigation / Vehicle Exams
Evidence Receiving
Firearms / NIBIN
Fire Debris
Latent Print Processing
Latent Print Comparison
Shoe / Tire Impressions
Toxicology / Blood Alcohol

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any complaints about our Crime Lab services?

Question Title

* 8. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve on the Crime Lab products and services we provide to ensure your complete satisfaction, please enter them in the box below. The Crime Lab welcomes your comments about any aspect of our operation.

Question Title

* 9. Please provide your contact information below.

Question Title

* 10. Plese visit our Crime Lab website at for more information.

Is there anything you want to have access to, through our public website?