Wenatchee River Salmon Festival Post-Event Evaluation

1.Your name and your school name (if Wenatchee or Eastmont, include district)
2.What was your favorite sign-up activity?
3.What was your favorite drop-in activity?
4.Were there any activities that could use improvements? Please explain.
5.Was the festival orientation meeting (or video) useful?
6.Were the festival maps and signs useful and easy to understand?
7.Did the playground add to or distract from your students' experience?
8.In future years, would you like to see the Wenatchee River Salmon Festival remain at Rocky Reach Dam or return to Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery?
9.The Wenatchee River Salmon Festival has always been free to students and educators because of the generous donations of partners and community members. If you would like to see Salmon Fest continue in the future, please take a few minutes to write down your or your students' favorite parts of Salmon Fest, and email your thoughts to education@salmonfest.org so we can share your experiences with our supporters. Even one sentence helps!

You may also email education@salmonfest.org if you would like to elaborate on any of your previous answers, or if you would like to comment on any other aspect of the festival.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!