Do you agree or disagree with the following good rostering principles?

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* 1. Fatigue management must be prioritised in any proposed roster.

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* 2. Safework NSW laws and guidelines must be honoured.

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* 3. Metro Sydney should follow one roster

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* 4. Regional hubs should have unique rosters based on their own needs.

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* 5. Rostered single officers should not be accepted. Every attempt must be made to find a partner for that single officer

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* 6. Where casuals have worked a reasonable number of hours in a roster, they should not be prioritised for extra shifts over permanent staff who have put their name down for OT.

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* 7. Where gaps are anticipated, rosters should be backfilled as soon as possible, following the above principle

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* 8. Everyone will follow the same roster. However genuine caring responsibilities or exceptional circumstances must be accommodated on a case-by-case basis

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* 9. ADDITIONALLY, casual staff who have been working regularly for 12 months and wish to convert must be offered a permanent role by HealthShare as soon as possible.*

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* 10. Are there any principles for a good roster that you feel have been missed?

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* 11. * If you are a casual member wanting a permanent position, leave your details below and the ADHSU office will contact you