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Amafilter, Facet, Jonell Systems, Kaydon and Waco are looking for your feedback to better serve you- our valued customers.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you see the biggest improvement opportunity in your filtration operations?

Question Title

* 2. When looking to improve your site operations, how do you research, seek information and solve your filtration challenges? Please rate each of these sources in order of usefulness.

  Most useful Very useful Somewhat useful Not useful at all
Online on manufacturer websites
Online by google searching problems/ issues
At tradeshows/ events
Technical Salesperson
References from colleagues
Reading industry publications/ magazines
Industry publication websites

Question Title

* 3. What kind of service offerings would help you to improve your filtration process? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. Which information gathering tools are more useful when looking for a new filtration solution? Rank each in order of usefulness.

  Most Useful Very Useful Somewhat Useful Not useful at all
Product Brochures
Filtration Application datasheets
Solution Videos
Case studies of similar applications
White papers
Product pages on website
Product Samples

Question Title

* 5. What kind of interaction do you prefer the most from your filtration solution provider when looking to optimize a current solution or seeking a new solution? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how happy are you with your current filtration solution provider, where 1 start is not happy at all and 5 star is very happy?

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* 7. In the current market environment, how willing are you to switch to a different filtration product to improve your process efficiency or profitability?

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* 8. If your operations have decreased output, when does your company anticipate return to pre-pandemic level of output?

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* 9. What can we do better or differently to better support you and your operations?

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* 10. Please provide us with your details to get a better understanding of the context of your feedback.

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