
Suffolk User Forum is working with our partners in the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System (SNEE ICS) to develop improved services for people living with Severe Mental Illness (SMI), through promoting Annual Health Checks and offering peer support to help people meet their healthcare goals identified at their annual health check and where people living with SMI have early warning signs of cardio-vascular disease.
This survey will help us target what types of information people need to help them to look after their physical health.
When you take part in this survey your answers will be anonymous. We will use the findings to write a report.
This survey is for people living with an SMI which includes, Schizophrenia, Bipolar or Psychosis. There are 21 brief questions, and it will take about five minutes to complete.
If you do not have an SMI but would like to know more about annual health checks for yourself, please visit the following NHS website where you can find out more: How do I get an NHS Health Check? - NHS (
Please do not disclose your gender identity, ethnic group/origin, or age, if you would prefer not to. It is completely optional.

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* 1. Have you heard of SMI Annual Health Checks?

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* 2. Have you ever had an SMI Annual Health Check?

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* 3. If you did not attend your last SMI Annual Health Check, can you please tell us why.

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* 4. Would you like more information about what happens at an SMI Annual Health Check?

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* 5. Please tell us about any concerns or worries you may have about your physical health.

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* 6. Do you feel you are well informed about heart health?

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* 7. Do you feel you are well informed about your cholesterol?

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* 8. Do you have any of the following conditions?

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* 9. If you have any of the above conditions, what information or reassurance would you like from the healthcare professionals to feel confident about your treatment plan?

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* 10. If you have high cholesterol, you might be offered medication called Statins which help to reduce Cholesterol in your blood. Have you heard of Statins?

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* 11. Do you currently take Statins?

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* 12. Have you been advised to take Statins in the past and refused to take them?

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* 13. If you answered yes, please tell us why you decided not to take statins.

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* 14. If you were advised to take Statins, what information would help you to decide if they are right for you?

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* 15. Where do go to find support and information on statins and cardiovascular disease?

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* 16. Would you like further information regarding heart health and cholesterol?

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* 20. If you would like to receive information about SMI Annual health Checks or heart health and Statins treatment, you can share your contact details with us.

Consent Statement: I consent to share my email address with Suffolk User Forum so that they can email me information about Annual Health Checks, heart health and statins treatment.

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* 21. If you answered yes to the above question please include the date, your name, email address, and address below. Thank you.