2024 ASEC Access and Price Survey

Measuring accessibility of emergency contraception and over-the-counter birth control in US retail outlets.
ASEC is collecting data on the pricing and display of EC across the United States to update our findings from 2022. Although FDA regulations allow levonorgestrel EC (like Plan B One-Step, Take Action, Julie, etc) to be sold directly on the shelf to anyone of any age with no restrictions, it's not always that simple. Reports also indicate that access to ella®, the prescription-only emergency contraceptive pill, continues to be limited. New for this year, ASEC is collecting data on the pricing and display of Opill, the first over-the-counter daily birth control pill, that hit the market earlier this year.

To participate, please visit your local pharmacy, grocery store, big-box store or convenience store and let us know how these products are being sold and how much they cost. If you are reporting data for more than one store, please fill out a survey for each store, ideally using a phone or tablet. You may also print a copy of the questions for collecting data to fill out the survey later.

Your participation is completely voluntary. You can stop at any point. Don't forget to fill out the final question if you would like to be included in a raffle for a $50 gift card of your choice. 4 prizes will be awarded to participants who provide complete responses to the survey. Your name and contact information will not be included in any analysis of the data.

If you have any questions about this research, please contact Brandon Wagner (brandon.wagner@ttu.edu) or Nicola Brogan (nicola@americansocietyforec.org). If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, contact the Human Research Protection Program, Office of Research & Innovation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409. You can contact them at 806-742-2064 or hrpp@ttu.edu.

We appreciate your time and effort for this research study.

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