1. Wild Growth Products Consumer Survey Page 1.

Wild Growth Co. now invites you to participate in a long term product use survey which will reveal several meaningful and interesting facts about Wild Growth products. You will not only be giving us feed back, but you may be pleased to learn more about the products and how they could help you by also knowing how they have helped others. Compilation of results of this survey is ongoing and will be periodically emailed to you. Simply email request for survey results at wildgro@wildgrowth.com

Above all else, we hope that you enjoy our survey.

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* 1. Which category or categories best describe your hair type (Please review all choices before selecting since more than one choice can apply)?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. Which category describes your age?

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* 4. If you or someone you know had thin or bald scalp areas, how concerned would you be?

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* 5. If you or someone you know had shorter than desirable hair length, how concerned would you be?

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* 6. If you or someone you know experienced extensive and persistent hair split ends, how concerned would you be?

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* 7. If you or someone you know experienced hair breakage or shedding, how concerned would you be?

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* 8. If you or someone you know experienced constant hair and/or scalp dryness, how concerned would you be?

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* 9. How interested would you or someone you know be in chemical free hair maintenance and accelerated hair growth?

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* 10. If you or someone you know found it difficult and painful to groom or style chemically untreated hair, how concerned would you be?

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* 11. How much money in U.S. dollars would you be willing to spend per month in the hopes of achieving fuller and longer hair?

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* 12. How much money in U.S. dollars would you be willing to spend per month to have well groomed or styled chemical-free hair?

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* 13. How much money in U.S. dollars would you be willing to spend per month in the hopes of reducing or eliminating hair breakage or shedding?

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* 14. How much money in U.S. dollars would you be willing to spend per month in the hopes of reducing or eliminating hair split ends?

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* 15. How much money in U.S. dollars would you be willing to spend per month to keep your hair and scalp healthy: no scalp itching, dryness, flaking, soreness; no hair lifelessness, dullness; but rather hair silkiness, body and shine.

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* 16. How much money in U.S. dollars would you be willing to spend per month to satisfy all hair care concerns including those referred to in questions 11-15?

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* 17. Which Wild Growth products have you used?