Employed Individuals with Disabilities/Maryland's Medicaid Buy In

Maryland's EID program was created to allow individuals with disabilities to work and increase their earnings without fear of losing their Medicaid (healthcare) benefits.  A state level team is working on potential changes and improvements to the eligibility requirements and is seeking input from stakeholders across the state.   Please take a few moments to complete the following survey.  Thank you!   

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* 1. Gender

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* 2. County of Residence

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* 3. Are you currently working?

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* 4. Average earnings per month

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* 5. Average hours worked per month

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* 6. Which of the following do you receive from Social Security (SSA)?

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* 7. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?

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* 8. Please indicate your relationship with the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID/Medicaid Buy In) program

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* 9. If you currently are or have previously been enrolled in the EID, how did you learn about it?  

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* 10. If you have been enrolled in the EID previously, what year/s (approximately)?

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* 11. Why did you leave the EID program?

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* 12. Have you ever paid an EID premium?  

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* 13. If yes, which amount?

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* 14. If no, would you be willing/able to?

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* 15. At what level of earnings would you be willing to pay a premium?

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* 16. How much would you be willing/able to pay in a monthly premium?

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* 17. The Maryland Department of Health is considering some potential changes to the EID program in terms of eligibility.  Current eligibility is: 

·         Be at least 18 years old but not yet 65 years old

·         Countable resources (assets) may not exceed $10,000 if you are unmarried and $15,000 if you are married.  For details on what is/is not countable visit:  https://mmcp.health.maryland.gov/eid/Documents/EID%20Resource%20Fact%20Sheet.02082018.pdf   “Countable” resources/assets do not include the following items and only you and your spouse’s resources are counted. 

-The home you live in                            -ABLE Accounts

-Any vehicles you own                          -401(k), 403(b), pension and Keogh retirement plans

 -Certain trust accounts                          -Certain burial funds


Household of 1:  $37, 470 Annually           $3,123 Monthly  

Household of 2: $50,730   Annually          $ 4,228 monthly

Income can be higher than the EID Income Standards because of certain exclusions and disregards that reduce countable income. Note that the income standard is applied to the countable net income after subtracting exclusions and disregards such as over half of earnings and disability related expenses a person pays for in order to work.  For more information on exclusions and disregards, you can access the Maryland Medicaid manual at at https://mmcp.health.maryland.gov/Medicaid%20Manual/Section%20700-%20Income.pdf 

 Which of the following potential areas for changes would be the most beneficial to you personally?  Please rank them in order of priority.

  1. Additional retirement accounts not counted for eligibility
  2. Spousal income not counted for eligibility
  3. Spousal assets not counted for eligibility
  4. Earned income limited increased or eliminated for eligibility
  5. Increase or eliminate post enrollment asset limits for savings after enrollment
  6. Age of eligibility above 65
  7. Make it easier to re-enroll in EID (different eligibility requirements) when returning to work after job loss
  8. Eligibility for continuation of Medicaid services after retirement for individuals enrolled in EID

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* 18. Other Changes (please describe)

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* 19. Which of the following changes would be most likely to encourage you to go to/return to work?   Please rank them in order of priority.

  1. Additional retirement accounts not count for eligibility
  2. Spousal income not count for eligibility
  3. Spousal assets not count for eligibility
  4. Eanred income limits increased or eliminated for eligibility
  5. Increase or eliminate post enrollment asset limits for savings post enrollment
  6. Age of eligibility above 65
  7. Make it easier to re-enroll in EID (different requirements) when returning to work after job loss
  8. Eligibility for continuation of Medicaid services after retirement for individuals enrolled in EID

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* 20. Other (please describe)

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* 21. Are you familiar with ABLE accounts?  An ABLE account (also known as a 529 ABLE or 529A) is a state run savings program for people with disabilities that developed prior to the age of 26.  Funds can be put aside for qualified medical expenses,  investment earnings are not taxed and you can save money without jeopardizing disability benefits.  For more information on Maryland ABLE visit  https://www.marylandable.org/

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* 22. Have you received benefits counseling?  Also known as work incentives counseling, it provides you information about how you can have earnings through work without jeopardizing your disability benefits.  Visit http://www.innow.org/md-win/md-win.html or call the Ticket to Work Helpline at 1-866-968-7842 for more information. 

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* 23. If yes, from whom?

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* 24. What other health related services or supports might assist you in working?

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* 25. Any other comments on how the EID program can be changed to remove the fear of loss of Medicaid benefits as a barrier to employment?  

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* 26. Would you prefer to receive the benefits counseling, ABLE or EID  links included in this survey via email?  If so, please provide your contact information.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. For more information on the Maryland Employed Individuals with Disabilities program, please    visit https://mmcp.health.maryland.gov/eid/Pages/Home.aspx.