The Dunedin Playhouse - Visitor's Survey

From the Playhouse:

The Playhouse isn’t getting any younger, and needs a full refurbishment if it’s to endure long-term.

The Repertory Society are undertaking a feasibility study of this – looking at what a refurbishment would involve, how much it might cost, and whether it’s needed by the community.

A key part of the study is being able to show the value and impact the theatre - particularly our Children's Theatre - has on its audiences, casts, crews and their families. 

Please support us by completing this survey, we would love to hear your thoughts.

From Feldspar Associates:

Feldspar Associates have been appointed by the Dunedin Repertory Society Trust to carry out the Playhouse feasibility study described above.

We have developed this survey to help us understand how the existing Playhouse building is used and what a future, redeveloped Playhouse might look like.

When responding to this survey, please remember the Playhouse is not a professional theatre, it is run by a dedicated team of hard-working volunteers. 

The online survey will take around 5-10 minutes to complete and will be open until 30 April 2021. Please do let us know if you have any problems or if you have anything further to add –

Thank you for your time.
1.Name (Optional)
2.If you are happy to be contacted again in the future about the Playhouse, please could you let us have your email address? (Optional)
3.Have you ever visited the Playhouse?
4.If yes, how often have you visited the Playhouse?
5.If you answered 'yes' to question 3, what was the main reason for your visit? Please tick all that apply.
6.If you answered 'no' to question 3, what has put you off going to the Playhouse? Please tick all that apply.
7.Did you find the building easily?
8.If no, what made the building difficult to find?
9.If you drove, were you able to find a car park easily?
10.Were you able to access and move around the building easily?
11.If no, what made it difficult for you?
12.What do you think would improve accessibility within the building? Please tick all that apply.
13.Compared with other theatres in Dunedin, what score would you give the Playhouse out of 10?
14.Overall, how do you think the Playhouse compares with other small theatres in Dunedin?
15.How do you think the Playhouse auditorium compares with other small theatres in Dunedin?
16.How you think the Playhouse's atmosphere compares with other small theatres in Dunedin?
17.How do the sort of productions on offer at the Playhouse compare with other small theatres in Dunedin?
18.Do you think the Playhouse has a different audience from other theatres in Dunedin?
19.Are there other theatres that you think the Playhouse should aim to be like?
20.What do you like most about the building?
21.What do you like least about the building?
22.What parts of the Playhouse do you think need the most work? Please tick all that apply.
23.Do you think the building's current circulation spaces work well?
24.Is there anything you would like to add about the pros and cons of the existing Playhouse building?
25.If the Playhouse was improved, would you be more likely to visit?
26.Would you like to see new uses for the theatre apart from children's productions? Please tick all that apply.
27.Would an increase in the options available make you more likely to attend/use the Playhouse?
28.Have you or your children (or other family) ever been a member of the Playhouse/Repertory Society?
29.Do you think the annual membership fee of $10 per child and $20 per adult is:
30.If you or your children, (or other family members), have been involved in any of the Playhouse's productions, what difference do you think this has made? Please tick all that apply.
31.The Dunedin Repertory Theatre Society has a long and successful history with the Playhouse building. Do you think that the Playhouse building is the right place for children’s theatre in Dunedin? 
32.If not, where do you think would be better?
Current Progress,
0 of 32 answered