Oracle Cerner CareAware Connect Evaluation
CareAware Connect Evaluation
Thank you for spending your incredibly valuable time helping us evaluate Oracle Cerner's CareAware Connect Suite of Applications. Please spend a few moments providing feedback on the solution.
CareAware Connect is able to send real-time clinical alerts from PowerChart/FirstNet to a clinician's phone via the Messenger application.
How valuable would that be for Clinical Communication & Patient Safety?
Extremely valuable
Very valuable
Somewhat valuable
Not so valuable
Not at all valuable
CareAware Connect would be able to provide secure video conferencing between the clinician and physician. How valuable would this functionality be?
Extremely valuable
Very valuable
Somewhat valuable
Not so valuable
Not at all valuable
If a clinician was able to receive new orders, alerts, and critical lab results on their phone real-time without needing to access a desktop computer, how would that impact the clinician's response time?
Response time would be significantly faster.
Response time would be somewhat faster.
Response time would be the same.
Response time would be somewhat slower.
Response time would be significantly slower.
Based on your feedback on the previous question, could the real-time alerts have an impact on patient throughput. Ex. notification regarding discharge orders, notifications in the ED, critical values/orders, etc.
It would likely have a positive impact on patient throughput
It might have a positive impact on patient throughput.
It would have no impact on patient throughput.
Would the ability to complete Barcoded Medication Administration and Specimen Collect with the Connect Nursing Application using a phone with a built-in scanner be an improvement to clinical workflow?
Significant Improvement to clinical workflow
Somewhat improve clinical workflow
No improvement to clinical workflow
Would be worse that existing clinical workflow.
What was your overall impression of CareAware Connect? Would it benefit you and your area?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered