Oracle Cerner CareAware Connect Evaluation

CareAware Connect Evaluation

Thank you for spending your incredibly valuable time helping us evaluate Oracle Cerner's CareAware Connect Suite of Applications.  Please spend a few moments providing feedback on the solution.
1.CareAware Connect is able to send real-time clinical alerts from PowerChart/FirstNet to a clinician's phone via the Messenger application.
How valuable would that be for Clinical Communication & Patient Safety?
2.CareAware Connect would be able to provide secure video conferencing between the clinician and physician.  How valuable would this functionality be?
3.If a clinician was able to receive new orders, alerts, and critical lab results on their phone real-time without needing to access a desktop computer, how would that impact the clinician's response time?
4.Based on your feedback on the previous question, could the real-time alerts have an impact on patient throughput.  Ex.  notification regarding discharge orders, notifications in the ED, critical values/orders, etc.
5.Would the ability to complete Barcoded Medication Administration and Specimen Collect with the Connect Nursing Application using a phone with a built-in scanner be an improvement to clinical workflow?
6.What was your overall impression of CareAware Connect?  Would it benefit you and your area?
Current Progress,
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