Career Change Email Course Feedback Question Title * 1. Which lesson did you find most helpful? Find Your Strengths Examine Job Descriptions Create a List of Target Companies Craft Your Pitch Activate Your Existing Network Schedule Informational Interviews OK Question Title * 2. How many of the exercises did you complete? (e.g. completed worksheets, created elevator pitch, etc.) All of them Most of them Some A few None OK Question Title * 3. Have you scheduled any catch-ups with people in your network? Yes, completed Yes, scheduled No OK Question Title * 4. Have you scheduled any informational interviews? Yes, completed Yes, scheduled No OK Question Title * 5. Did the course meet your needs? Yes Somewhat No OK Question Title * 6. If you did not answer yes, please share your suggestions for improvement. OK Question Title * 7. What did you find to be the most useful part of the course? OK Question Title * 8. Anything else? Please use this space to share your wins and any additional feedback. OK Question Title * 9. Would you like additional help? Please include your email address below so Alyson can contact you to schedule a free Career Kickstart Session. OK DONE