Code Amendment Consultation

The Planning and Design Code (the Code) sets out the rules that determine what landowners can develop on their land and is administered by the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. The State Planning Commission is responsible for ensuring that the Code is maintained.

The Code sets development planning policy and is used to assess development proposals. The Code does not currently include planning policy on where and how adult entertainment premises and adult products and services premises should be located or assessed.

The City of Adelaide is proposing a change to the Code (a ‘Code Amendment’) to guide the use and development of land for adult entertainment premises and adult products and services premises.

The City of Adelaide has permission from the Minister for Planning to proceed with consultation on this draft Code Amendment.

This survey will close at 5:00pm on Tuesday 23 July 2024.

What will happen to my feedback?
The City of Adelaide is committed to undertaking consultation in accordance with the principles of the Community Engagement Charter and is genuinely open to considering the issues raised by people in the community.

All formal submissions will be considered by City of Adelaide when determining whether the proposed Amendment is suitable and whether any changes should be made.

Each submission will be entered into a register and you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your submission. Your submission will be published on the PlanSA portal. Personal addresses, email and phone numbers will not be published, however company details will be.

The City of Adelaide will consider the feedback received in finalising the Code Amendment and will prepare an Engagement Report which will outline what was heard during consultation and how the proposed Code Amendment was changed in response to submissions.

The Engagement Report will be forwarded to the Minister, and then published on the PlanSA portal.

It is Council's policy that for a formal submission to be received, it must include your name and residential address. You will be asked profile questions at this beginning of this survey for this purpose.
A submission will only be considered formal if name, address and email address are provided

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Surname

Question Title

* 3. Organisation (if relevant)

Question Title

* 4. Residential address or commercial address

Question Title

* 5. Suburb

Question Title

* 6. Postcode

Question Title

* 7. Email address

Question Title

* 8. Are you a City of Adelaide Resident?

Question Title

* 9. Year of birth

Question Title

* 10. There are two sections of the Code Amendment:-
  • Adult Entertainment Premises, and
  • Adult Products and Services Premises.
Please select 'yes' for each of the section/s of the Code Amendment you would like to provide feedback on

Would you like to provide feedback on the Adult Entertainment Premises section of the Code Amendment?

25% of survey complete.