We are pleased to invite your participation in the 2022 Guild Awards Nomination Process. 

The criteria for the Guild Awards are based on the five essential pillars of an active Guild. These pillars are:

1. Spiritual Formation - Provide opportunities to expand and enrich one’s own spiritual life.
2. Educational Formation - Provide opportunities for all health care professionals to discuss pertinent medical-legal issues that occur in their daily medical practices and help them understand the changing political landscape that threatens physician conscience rights.
3. Fellowship - Provide opportunities for all health care professionals to come together for mutual support and camaraderie.
4. Service - Provide opportunities for all health care professionals to be involved in service projects.
5. Growth - Recruit five (5) new national dues paying members (in any category).
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Information about how to qualify for each Guild Award follows.
The Pillars Certificate Award
How to qualify: Complete three of the five essential pillars of an active Guild.
Saint Luke Award
How to qualify: Complete all five essential pillars of an active Guild.
Outstanding Guild Award
Guilds that demonstrate exceptional accomplishment in all five pillar areas and promote the CMA mission with Guild members and the community may be considered for the Outstanding Guild Award.
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To submit a nomination for a Guild Award, please complete the form below.

Question Title

* 1. Guild Name

Question Title

* 2. Please explain how this Guild is fulfilling each of the essential pillars of an active Guild.

Please answer questions 3-8 if you wish to submit a nomination for the 2022 Outstanding Guild Award.

Question Title

* 3. Why do you believe the Guild merits the Outstanding Guild Award? Please include information about Guild activities/events, including dates, venues, goals, results, etc.

Question Title

* 4. In what way(s) has the Guild collaborated with the local Archbishop/Bishop and the Archdiocese/Diocese?

Question Title

* 5. How many new members joined the Guild last year?

Question Title

* 6. What was the Guild's total membership last year?

Question Title

* 7. What is the Guild's total membership this year?

Question Title

* 8. In what ways has the Guild involved the local CMA student chapter? (For example, has the Guild invited students to its meetings/activities? Has the Guild sponsored student scholarships for Boot Camp and/or the Annual Educational Conference?)

Awards will be presented at the Annual Educational Conference in Denver, Colorado.