Writers & Money Question Title * 1. Do you identify as a minority? Yes No If so how? Question Title * 2. Are you: Female Male Other Prefer not to say Question Title * 3. How old are you? 18-25 26-35 36-50 51-65 Over 65 Question Title * 4. How many books have you published? Question Title * 5. How many publishers, in Canada, have you published with? Question Title * 6. What type of publisher did you publish with? (Check all that apply) Self-published Small press Medium size press Large press Would you like to say who has published you? Question Title * 7. How much money did you make from writing last year? $0-$1000 $1000-$5000 $5000-$10,000 $10,000-$20,000 More than $25,000 More than $50,000 More than $100,000 Question Title * 8. Are you a full-time writer?That is, does writing or writing related activity make up the entirety of your income? Yes No Sometimes If sometimes please explain Question Title * 9. Do you have another job as well as writing? Yes No Sometimes If sometimes, please explain. Question Title * 10. If you have another job, aside from writing, is it: Full time Part time Question Title * 11. Where do you live? A major city A small city or town A rural area Question Title * 12. Do you: Live on your own Share household expenses with someone Question Title * 13. Do you receive financial support from a partner, spouse, family member, or anyone else? Yes No If yes, please explain to what extent. ie. do they support you almost entirely, allow you to live differently thank you would without their support,etc. Question Title * 14. Have you ever been supported for a period of longer than 1 month by someone else since becoming a writer? Yes Now Question Title * 15. Last year, what percentage of your income (roughly) came specifically from writing - including advances, freelance work, royalties. Do not include grants, prizes, fellowships. Question Title * 16. Is this significantly different than other years? Yes No If yes please explain in what way and why. Question Title * 17. Last year, what percentage of your income (roughly) came from grants, prizes, fellowships etc. Question Title * 18. Is this significantly different than other years? Yes No If yes please explain in what way and why. Question Title * 19. Last year, what percentage (roughly) of your income came from writing related work - ie teaching creative writing, writer-in-residence positions, speaking engagements/readings, manuscript evaluations etc. Question Title * 20. Is this significantly different than in other years? Yes Now If yes, please explain in what way and why Question Title * 21. Last year, what percentage (roughly) of your income came from work not related to writing in any way? Question Title * 22. Is this significantly different than other years? Yes Now If yes, please explain in what way and why. Question Title * 23. Do you think having a 'day job' hinders your writing? Yes No Please explain how or why you think so. Question Title * 24. Is there anything you’d like to do that you feel your writing hinders? Home ownership, a family, travel, etc.? Yes No Please explain your answer. Question Title * 25. What writing work do you do for free that you feel you should be paid for? reading series etc. Question Title * 26. How much does it matter to you that you’re paid for writing? A lot A little If you weren’t paid, would you write? Why or why not. Question Title * 27. Have you ever felt taken advantage of, or asked to do something for free that you felt you should have been paid for? Yes No Please tell us more about your answer. Question Title * 28. Please share a little bit about yourself and your work - ie. award winning poet, best-selling fiction writer, mid-list author, critical darling etc. Or, if you are comfortable sharing give your name. Question Title * 29. Is there anything else that you would like to share or explain about your answers? Done