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1. LinkedIn Digital Transformation Survey

Participating in this survey makes you eligible to receive books on Digital Transformation, Data, Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity, should you choose to.
The primary goal of the survey is to gauge the current status and challenges of digital transformation, particularly focusing on the necessity, impact, and perception of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) role.
We aim to uncover:
- The level of digital transformation maturity among SMBs.
- The challenges SMBs face in digital transformation efforts.
- The perceived value and understanding of the CDO role in driving digital transformation.

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* 1. Should you be interested in receiving the report once it's complete, please provide your email address in the designated comment box.

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* 2. How many employees are in your company?

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* 3. Which sector does your company operate in?

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* 4. At what stage is your company in its digital transformation journey?

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* 5. Which technologies is your company planning to invest in over the next 2 years? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. What is the biggest challenge your company faces in adopting emerging technologies as part of digital transformation?

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* 7. How central is data analysis to your company's decision making process?

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* 8. How is your company addressing the need for digital skills development among employees?

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* 9. Does your company have a dedicated team or leader for managing digital transformation initiatives?

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* 10. In which areas is your company prioritizing investsments as part of your digital transformation efforts?

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* 11. How does you company measure the success of its digital transformation initiatives?

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* 12. How does your company prioritize digital transformation in its overall business strategy?

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* 13. Has your company strengthened its cybersecurity measures as part of its digital transformation?

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* 14. Do you believe a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) is crucial for successful digital transformation?

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* 15. What is the most significant challenge your company faces in its digital transformation journey?

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* 16. How has digital transformation affected your organizational culture?

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* 17. How does your company approach innovation in the context of digital transformation?

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* 18. Looking towards the future, what is your company's main aspiration or biggest goal in the realm of digital transformation? Please share any specific visions, projects, or strategies you are excited about or see as critical for your future success.

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* 19. Thank you for completing the survey! Please select the books you'd like to receive by checking the appropriate boxes. To finalize, enter your email in the final question, and you're all set.

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* 20. To receive the books, please enter your email address in the provided comment box.

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