Voluntary Client Survey

1.Which area are your services based in?
2.What services do you participate in? (Check all that apply)
3.How many days a week do you receive services from ehs?
4.Do you feel this is enough time based on your needs?
5.Do you understand your goals you are working on in services?
6.Do office staff (directors, program managers, team leaders, clinical coordinators, office managers) take your concerns seriously and resolve them timely?
7.If no, please comment:
8.Do you feel ehs staff treat you with respect at all times?
9.If no, please comment:
10.Do your services/appointments start on time, as scheduled?
11.Does your clinician/counselor/case manager/peer recovery specialist call you ahead of time if there is a change in schedule?
12.Do you feel like you are making progress on your goals in services?
13.Do you feel like ehs cares about providing you with quality services?
14.What more could ehs do to improve your services with us? 
15.Would you like an ehs staff person to contact you regarding this survey?
17.Phone Number
Current Progress,
0 of 18 answered