The Annual Awards Luncheon during the Best Practices and Workforce Development Training is a highlight each year as it serves as a true recognition of those who work tirelessly to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. It is a special event where individuals are recognized for their innovative and dedicated work.

By advertising in our e-journal, you will be supporting our most valuable asset, employees of the year as well as supporting the NYS Coalition for Children's Behavioral Health. Don't miss this chance to say congratulations and support all of our efforts!

The Annual Awards Luncheon will take place on December 3, 2024 at The Saratoga Hilton in Saratoga Springs, NY.

Purchased advertisements MUST BE RECEIVED no later than November 27th to ensure inclusion in the e-journal.

Advertisement Options:
The e-journal will be a slideshow displayed on a screen throughout the Awards Luncheon on December 3. Advertisements should be formatted as any of the following: PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG format using the following dimensions:

$250 Full Page: 10" W by 7.5" H (Horizontal only)
$150 Half Page: 4.75" W by 7.5" H (Vertical only)
$50 Quarter Page: 4.74" W by 3.5" H (Horizontal Only)

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Advertisement Size

If your advertisement is ready, please upload it here. If it is not ready, please email your advertisement to NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 27.

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* 3. Advertisement Upload:

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 4. I understand that an invoice for the selected advertisement amount chosen above will be sent to the email address included on this form upon verification.