Informed consent

Purpose and Procedures: You are invited to participate in a survey investigating perceptions of boundaries in the psychotherapeutic relationship. To participate in this study it is not required for you to have been to therapy before. In order to participate, you must be over 18 years of age. This study is being conducted by the research team of Dr. David McAnulty, Associate Professor of Psychology at Abilene Christian University. 

The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete and consists of a series of questions. 

Risks and Benefits: Participation is entirely voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any point, simply by discontinuing the survey. All responses will be kept strictly confidential. This study is anonymous, so you will not be asked to provide any information that personally identifies you.

You may be eligible to receive direct, personal benefit for participating. At the end of the survey there will be a link that directs you to an external site where you can enter your personal information in order to be entered into a drawing for one of several $25 gift certificates. Your answers to the survey will in no way be linked to the gift card drawing registration.

There are no risks associated with this project, including stress, psychological, social, physical, or legal risk, considered to be greater than any of those that are experienced in daily life. It is possible you could feel discomfort when answering some general questions about your experience(s) with therapists if you have had therapy, although no details will be asked. If you do wish to discontinue due to discomfort (or for any other reason), you may end your participation at any time without penalty or negative consequences. 

The researcher and ACU do not have any plan to pay for injuries. By continuing to the next page and beginning the survey, you are indicating your consent to participate. 

Contacts: If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, you may contact the principal investigator of this study. 

David P. McAnulty, PhD
Department of Psychology
(325) 674-4826
Abilene Christian University

If you have any concerns about this study or general questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact ACU's Chair of the Institutional Review Board and Director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. 

Megan Roth, Ph.D.
(325) 674-2885
Abilene Christian Unversity
320 Hardin Administration Bldg., ACU Box 29103
Abilene, TX 79699

Consent: Please click the button below if you voluntarily agree to participate in this study. Click only after you have read all of the information provided and your questions have been answered to your satisfaction. If you wish to have a copy of this consent form, you may print it now. 

Question Title

* 1. I consent to participate in this study

Question Title

* 2. I am at least 18 years of age