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* 1. Have you talked to your child(ren) about gun safety?

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* 2. If you answered yes, at what age did you talk to them about gun safety?

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* 3. Have you ever been asked the following question when a playdate was coming to your house: "If you keep a gun in your home, do you keep it locked up and unloaded?"

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* 4. Have you ever, yourself, asked the following question when your child was going on a drop-off playdate: "If you keep a gun in your home, do you keep it locked up and unloaded?"

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* 5. If a child is coming to your house for a playdate, are you comfortable with the child's parent asking you: "If you keep a gun in the home, do you keep it locked up and unloaded?"

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* 6. If your child is going to someone's house for a drop-off play date, are you comfortable asking: "If you keep a gun in the home, do you keep it locked up and unloaded?"

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* 7. Please share any specific experiences or stories