Textbook Alternative & OER Survey 2018 Question Title * 1. Your Status Full time faculty Adjunct faculty OK Question Title * 2. Your primary discipline Accounting Anthropology Biological Science Business Administration Chemistry Computer Science Criminology Dental Hygiene Economics Education English Composition / Literature Film Studies History Humanities Law / Legal Studies Mathematics Music Nursing Occupational Therapy Philosophy Physical Therapy Physics Political Science / International Relations Sociology Studio Art / Graphic Art Radiography Theatre Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. Which methods have you used to promote textbook affordability? Check all that apply. Adopted a free OER textbook Authored and assigned your own textbook alternative materials Assigned readings from open source materials online Assigned readings from SCF Library databases or eBooks Adopted a lower cost custom textbook from a publisher Placed copies of your assigned textbooks on reserve at the Library or ARC Referred students to the SCF Foundation for textbook scholarships OK Question Title * 4. How aware are you of Open Educational Resources (OER)? OER definition I am not aware of OER. I have heard about OER, but do not know much about them. I am somewhat aware of OE, but I am not sure how they can be used. I am aware of OER and some of their uses. I am very aware of OER and know how they can be used in courses. OK Question Title * 5. Which of the following Open Educational Resource and Public Domain repositories are you familiar with? (Select all that apply.) Open Textbook Library Open Stax The Orange Grove Digital Commons Network PLOS - Public Library of Science University of Florida Digital Collections DigiNole MIT Open Courseware Wikibooks OER Commons OK Question Title * 6. Given the opportunity, would you use a no cost or low cost open educational textbook that is peer reviewed and proven? Yes No Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Please rank each of the following textbook alternatives options from most to least appropriate for your course or discipline. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Low or no-cost open educational textbook 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Your own self-authored textbook alternative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Open source materials from online 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Library eBooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Library databases 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Library online videos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Open access journal articles OK Question Title * 8. When selecting resources for your teaching, which factors are most important to you? Most important Important Somewhat important Not important Covers the subjects I teach Covers the subjects I teach Most important Covers the subjects I teach Important Covers the subjects I teach Somewhat important Covers the subjects I teach Not important Content is relevant to the curriculum Content is relevant to the curriculum Most important Content is relevant to the curriculum Important Content is relevant to the curriculum Somewhat important Content is relevant to the curriculum Not important Cost to students Cost to students Most important Cost to students Important Cost to students Somewhat important Cost to students Not important Content is up to date Content is up to date Most important Content is up to date Important Content is up to date Somewhat important Content is up to date Not important Ease of access Ease of access Most important Ease of access Important Ease of access Somewhat important Ease of access Not important Works with Canvas Works with Canvas Most important Works with Canvas Important Works with Canvas Somewhat important Works with Canvas Not important Used by other faculty Used by other faculty Most important Used by other faculty Important Used by other faculty Somewhat important Used by other faculty Not important Content can be edited Content can be edited Most important Content can be edited Important Content can be edited Somewhat important Content can be edited Not important Has textbanks Has textbanks Most important Has textbanks Important Has textbanks Somewhat important Has textbanks Not important OK Question Title * 9. Do you think you will use library databases and eBooks in the near future to serve as course readings? Yes No Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 10. Do you think you will use Open Educational Resources in the near future to serve as course readings? Yes No Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 11. What are most significant barriers to the use of library online resources in your courses? (Select all that apply.) Time Knowledge Too hard to find what I need Too difficult to use Not knowing about copyright and permissions Not enough resources for my subject Too difficult to integrate Not high quality Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 12. What are most significant barriers to the use of Open Educational Resources in your courses? (Select all that apply.) Time Knowledge Too hard to find what I need Not knowing about copyright and permission No comprehensive catalog of materials Too difficult to integrate Not enough resources for my subject Not high quality Not current Too difficult to change or edit Other (please specify) OK DONE