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Public Art Survey

We are asking for your input on the locations, stories and art you’d like to see in and around ABC Ramps Mobility Hub. This year ABC Ramps is developing a Comprehensive Public Art Plan that will guide future investment in public art within the facility and maximize the impact of art toward meeting the overall objectives of the facility, including: Sustainability, Safety, and Neighborhood Connectivity.

What is public art? Public art can be a lot of things - there are many creative ways of telling stories and sharing meaning in public space. It can include physical art like murals, sculptures and lighting, or experiences like live performances and events.

This survey takes around 7 minutes to complete. Your input is an important ingredient of creating a plan that will result in meaningful artistic work that represents our whole community - so let’s go!

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* 1. I…

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* 2. In a typical month, how do you interact with the ABC Ramps Mobility Hub? Check all that apply.

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* 3. In one sentence, what is your view of ABC Ramps?

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* 4. How do you move to and through ABC Ramps? If you use the facility multiple ways, pick one way and think through that path. Describe your pathway so that we know where you go and with what transportation options.

Example: I start at home in the morning, drive to Ramp B, park on level 2 or 3, walk to the elevator, take the elevator to the skyway, walk in the skyway to my office in Butler Square.

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* 5. What type of public art would be most appealing, exciting or impactful to add at ABC Ramps? Rank these common art types.

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* 6. What types of locations are most important to add public art? (rank your top three priorities)

  First Priority Second Priority Third Priority
High visibility/traffic areas while moving inside ABC
High visibility/traffic areas while passing ABC outside
Waiting areas where people spend the most time
Places with the most space and flexibility for large art
Places that are active on a daily basis
Places that are active during special events
Other locations (open)

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* 7. Art should tell the story of: (rank your top three priorities)

  First Priority Second Priority Third Priority
Entertainment and the arts scene
North Loop neighborhood identity
Downtown neighborhood identity
Youth in the community
History of ABC Ramps + Minneapolis
Local business and entrepreneurship
Minnesota sports
Social justice + inequality
Creativity and vibrance
Transportation and mobility
Sustainability at ABC Ramps

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* 8. How would you like to be involved in public art?

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* 9. Tell us one thing you’d be most excited to see happen at ABC Ramps related to public art.

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* 10. Please describe your gender.

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* 11. What is your age?

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* 12. If you would like to receive updates about ABC Ramps programs, enter your email address:

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