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Chamber Feedback
Which Chamber events do you love?
Monthly Luncheons
Business After Hours
Government Speaker Series
Golf Tournament
Legislative Send-off/Return
Agriculture Banquet
North Idaho or Eastern WA Legislative Tour
Refresh the Valley
Other (please specify)
What do you like about these events and what could be improved?
What are the challenges facing your organization?
Recruiting and retaining staff
Compliance issues (owe tax, made mistakes, didn't know you had to, etc)
Succession planning, transitioning to new leadership
Rate increases for operations (rent, supplies, insurance, utilities, etc)
Problems with occupancy (landlords, cities, states, etc)
How to grow or expand
Government regulations
Managing technology and data
Other (please specify)
Which benefits (or future benefits) have the most value to you?
Networking events (luncheons, BAH, Golf Tournament, etc.)
Community Events (Ag Banquet, Refresh the Valley, etc.)
Talking with legislators
Job postings
Event postings
Member-to-Member discounts
Chamber referrals
Sponsorship recognition
Free event/luncheon tickets
Chamber travel program
Member Directory listing
Member address list for marketing
Workshops on issues for running a business/organization
LLCV Leadership Program
Profiles and business exposure in Made by Us, at luncheons, and BAH
Private invite events and roundtables
Connections to new business opportunities, funding, professional services, etc.
Advocating on your behalf for issues - codes, taxes, business climate, etc.
More free benefits
Other (please specify)
What would you like the Chamber to do more of?
What do you love about the Chamber that we absolutely shouldn't change?
Why do you belong to the Chamber?
Being part of a collective voice
Promoting my organization or business
Giving back to the community
Improving the Valley
Keep up to date on issues
Other (please specify)
Would you be more likely to attend Business After Hours if the hours are from 4 - 6 pm instead of 5 - 7 pm?
Doesn't matter
How can we help your organization?
Did the gas outage impact your organization, and if so, how?