
This policy aims to create and sustain tenancies within an area in the village of Draycott which is a quiet rural area. The flats at Cleveland Court are positioned at the end of a ‘cul de sac’. The area has become an ASB hotspot with local partner agencies and is attracting criminal activity with various visitors to properties/tenants being linked to criminal behaviour.

emh homes have progressed several tenancy enforcement cases within the scheme. Additionally, emh homes wants to alleviate and avoid future serious ASB issues within this locality by utilising greater scrutiny of future housing register applicants for properties within the area. We hope to achieve these aims with a combined management of ASB, development of greater resident/organisation interaction and an enhanced level of vetting/scrutiny of housing register applicants in this geographical location.

Question Title

* 1. Allocations may be refused:

(a) to households with a history of anti-social behaviour or poor conduct of a previous tenancy
(b) to applicants, including household members, who have unspent convictions relating to crimes against persons or property, or a history of serious anti-social behaviour will not be accepted e.g. a history of violence, illegal drug use and/or alcohol abuse (who are not actively engaging with a support agency and/or making progress to address their substance misuse).

Initial suitability checks may be undertaken with police and other partner agencies (where appropriate):

(a) to households with a history of rent arrears
(b) to households that are unable to demonstrate affordability in respect of the rent, other charges and welfare reform implications
(c) to households that do not agree to an appropriate support plan where appropriate
(d) to households that cannot maintain their property condition as per the requirement of the tenancy agreement.

Do you agree with this proposal?

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* 2. To develop a sustainable mix of occupants:

(a) 50% of all lets will be offered to applicants with a Banding of C or D on the Home-Options choice based lettings system
(b) 50% of lets will be made in line with the allocations policy.

Do you agree with this proposal?

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any further comments about the proposed policy?