Union County Home-ARP Community Survey Question Title * 1. Name of Organization Question Title * 2. From your organization’s perspective, what are the most pressing needs toaddress homelessness in Union County? At Risk Homeless Families Homeless Families At Risk Homeless Single Adults Homeless Single Adults Veterans Unaccompanied Youth Fleeing Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking or Human Trafficking Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What is your approximate average household income that your agency works with? $0-$10,000 $10,000-$50,000 $50,000-$100,000 $100,000-$150,000 None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What is your approximate average household size your agency works with ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Please rank the following ARP Funding Categories based on communityhomeless need, with 1 being your highest homeless priority need and 5 being the lowest homeless priority need. Question Title * 6. From the list below, please identify the population with the highest need based on your agency’s experience. At Risk Homeless Families Homeless Families At Risk Homeless Single Adults Homeless Single Adults Veterans Unaccompanied Youth Fleeing Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, or Human Trafficking Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What is your involvement with the following qualifying homeless or near homeless population groups? Emergency/Temporary Shelter Provider Permanent Supportive Housing or Rapid Re-Housing Provider Support Services Provider Affordable Housing Provider A person who lived experience of homelessness (current, recent or formerly homeless) Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. What unmet housing and service needs do you see among "Qualifying Populations" in the Union County? At Risk Homeless Families Homeless Families At Risk Homeless Single adults Homeless Single Adults Veterans Unaccompanied Youth Fleeing Domestic Violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. What gaps do you see within the current shelter and housing inventory, as well as the service delivery system? Shelter for homeless individuals Shelter for homeless families Shelter for veterans Shelters for survivors of domestic violence Support services for homeless individuals Support services for homeless families Support services for veterans Support services for survivors of domestic violence Rental assistance Support services for households and Individuals at-risk of homelessness Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. What is missing from housing shelter inventory and programs? If available please provide an estimate of the gap in inventory. Question Title * 11. What do you think are the best options to provide housing for homeless residents? Rental housing with full supportive services Build new rental housing Buy and renovate existing housing Assist landlords with housing Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. For support services for the homeless, what do you think is important to help homeless stay housed and not return to homelessness? Housing Counseling (Landlord/tenant rights, housing search, budgeting, credit education/repair etc.) Homelessness prevention services Job Training Life skills training Case management Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. For supportive services, what specific needs do you see and how might funding be used to address these needs? If available, please provide an estimate of need. Question Title * 14. For non-congregate shelters for the homeless, what do you think are the best options to provide shelter for our homeless residents? Smaller shelters throughout the city Motels/ Hotels Build larger shelters Convert existing buildings into shelters Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. What are the barriers to finding good and affordable housing in Union County, that you have experienced or observed? Cost of Housing Condition of housing units Accessibility for people with disabilities or disabling conditions Lack of housing near areas of opportunity (employment, services, education, etc.) Affordable housing options available only in certain areas Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. HOME-ARP funding is a one-time opportunity to create programs/services that would have a significant impact on reducing/ending homelessness in this community. Is there anything else you would like to add that was not specifically asked in this survey? Question Title * 17. Is there anything else you would like to add? Question Title * 18. Please include contact information if you wish to receive updates related to HOME-ARP Name Email Address Done