Question Title

* 1. Name of Organization

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* 2. From your organization’s perspective, what are the most pressing needs to
address homelessness in Union County?

Question Title

* 3. What is your approximate average household income that your agency works with?

Question Title

* 4. What is your approximate average household size your agency works with ?

Question Title

* 5. Please rank the following ARP Funding Categories based on community
homeless need, with 1 being your highest homeless priority need and 5 being the lowest homeless priority need.

Question Title

* 6. From the list below, please identify the population with the highest need based on your agency’s experience.

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* 7. What is your involvement with the following qualifying homeless or near homeless population groups?

Question Title

* 8. What unmet housing and service needs do you see among "Qualifying Populations" in the Union County?

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* 9. What gaps do you see within the current shelter and housing inventory, as well as the service delivery system?

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* 10. What is missing from housing shelter inventory and programs? If available please provide an estimate of the gap in inventory.

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* 11. What do you think are the best options to provide housing for homeless residents?

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* 12. For support services for the homeless, what do you think is important to help homeless stay housed and not return to homelessness?

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* 13. For supportive services, what specific needs do you see and how might funding be used to address these needs? If available, please provide an estimate of need.

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* 14. For non-congregate shelters for the homeless, what do you think are the best options to provide shelter for our homeless residents?

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* 15. What are the barriers to finding good and affordable housing in Union County, that you have experienced or observed?

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* 16. HOME-ARP funding is a one-time opportunity to create programs/services that would have a significant impact on reducing/ending homelessness in this community. Is there anything else you would like to add that was not specifically asked in this survey?

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* 17. Is there anything else you would like to add?

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* 18. Please include contact information if you wish to receive updates related to  HOME-ARP