This questionnaire is intended to get you to think about yourself, your youth and your behaviour. The examples and the scores applied to the answers are intended to be representative examples, not cast-iron guidelines or rules. A good worker should judge every situation on its merit, which is why you need to think about boundaries so carefully.
For each question, choose one of the answers provided. There are of course many other courses of action you could take. Answer every question, trying not to think about it for too long. To make it a useful test you should click the answer that relates most closely to how think you would behave, not how you think you should behave. There are no right and wrong answers, just more or less boundary responses. You may want to choose more than one answer to some questions but choose the answer that contains what you see as the most important response.
Once you have chosen all your answers, you will get your results and be able to compare your score to the analysis of it at the end of the questionnaire.