The Howard County Commission on Disabilities will recognize employers and employment professionals who value disability inclusion and advance equal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, as evidenced by any of the following eligibility criteria:

1. Policies and procedures

2. Hiring practices

3. Staff training and development

4. Advancement opportunities

5. Accommodation practices

6. Activities designed to advance the employment of people with disabilities.

Nomination Requirements:

  • To be eligible for nomination, a candidate must be an employer or employment professional who conducts business in Howard County.
  • Employment professional nominees include, but are not limited to, work supervisors, job developers, job coaches, and vocational rehabilitation counselors.
  • Nominations shall not include the diagnosis or medical information of any individual.
  • Nominations must be submitted through the online process and received by Thursday, June 20, 2024.
  • The completed nomination must include a narrative sufficiently detailed to explain how the nominee meets eligibility criteria. A maximum of 3500 characters (approximately 500 to 600 words) are permitted. Attachments and links to supporting materials will not be considered.
  • The nomination form constitutes the sole basis for the nomination.
  • Nominators may submit more than one nomination; a separate nomination form is required for each nominee. Self-nominations are encouraged.
  • Commission members and businesses owned and/or operated by, or who employ a commission member, are not eligible for nomination.
To request the nomination information in an alternate format or for more information, email or call 410-313-6402 (voice/relay).

Enter Nomination Below:

Question Title

* 1. Does the nominee conduct business or work in Howard County?