PNWS Whidbey Island Camping & Field Trip (May 30-June 1)

Whidbey Island & Price Sculpture Forest Trip interest survey (Deadline: ASAP)

Trip Dates: May 30-June 1, 2025
Survey Deadline: As Soon As Possible

Survey to gauge member interest in our 2025 member spring camp out on Whidbey Island, with group tour of Price Sculpture Forest, group meals, Saturday eve potluck at Scott Price's house, and a whimsical costume parade through Price Sculpture Forest on Sunday after departing Fort Ebey group camp, and before heading home. Plus other fun and shenanigans.

We have reserved the Group Campsite at Fort Ebey State Park. Cost will depend on how many people attend, so final cost is not available yet, but it will be very reasonable.
Please answer this survey as soon as possible, if you are at all interested, even a little. After this email, only members who have expressed an interest will be included in planning emails. All other PNWS members will be dropped from future emails.
Please note:
. All attendees will be involved in group meals, campfires, potlucks, the private tour of Price Sculpture Forest, and all other PNWS activities, REGARDLESS of whether you are in our group camp or staying somewhere else.
. If you didn’t attend last year, you will definitely want to pay extra attention to any communication with your Meal Captain. Our group meals are the absolute most fun!
1.Please list your name, email and mobile number in the comment box. (Or we won't know who filled out this survey!)
2.If you are bringing a Friend, Partner or Spouse, please list their name, email and mobile number in the comment box. (Or we won't know who is joining us!)
3.Are you interested in the PNWS camping & field trip to Price Sculpture Forest on Whidbey Island, Washington, May 30-June 1?
4.Please gauge your interest in this trip?
5.If yes, are you more likely to camp or stay in a nearby hotel?
6.If CAMP is your choice, will you tent camp or RV or trailer camp?
7.Do you have any questions at this time?