Data Needs Survey

As you know, the gathering and sharing of data is a big issue within immigration. How data is collected and stored and who has control of it are issues that impact on how refugees and migrants are treated by authorities, as well as how they are viewed. This project will support those working with refugee and migrant communities to develop their data systems as well as help us all understand better what more can be done to help organisations make their case to policy makers and funders.

This Data Needs Survey is part of a Refugee and Migrant Data project funded by the GLA,(Greater London Authority)  and undertaken by a partnership between Superhighways (at Kingston Voluntary Action), DataKind UK and freelance consultant Rita Chadha who also is a voluntary sector representative on the London Strategic Migration Partnership.

The project will run between February and the summer of 2019, and organisations taking part may also be eligible for additional free consultancy or pro bono support around data, digital, fundraising and campaigning from partners. 

The survey seeks to find out how small charities, community groups and volunteers working with migrants and refugees make use of data.  It also includes questions about what support you need to enable you to get the most from the data you collect internally and from external sources. 
It should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete and the deadline for completion has been extended to Friday 1st March.

When we say 'data' we have a broad definition. We include all the types of information your organisation might collect, store, analyse and use for example about your staff, or the people that you provide support to. This can be numbers (number of sessions you provide) or words (case notes, or feedback from clients / communities re satisfaction or impact of your work).
The information you provide in this survey is confidential. The findings will be published in aggregate and no personal data will be shared. We will ask you for your charity or company number (if you have one) to understand your organisation better by linking with the Charity Commission data (which means we won’t ask you to answer questions which you have already answered elsewhere e.g. your annual turnover)
Your survey results will be held by Superhighways (a project of Kingston Voluntary Action), DataKind UK and Rita Chadha, and individual survey responses will not be shared outside of the project team or with the GLA.
Our findings will be collated and presented within a free data training workshop we are running on Thursday 28th February 10 - 1, and which you can book on to here.  If you are interested in having a copy of the findings, please provide your contact details at the end of the survey. 
If you have any problems, questions or observations please get in touch - by email or telephone 020 8255 8040.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to help us.